We Need Your Support Now
We Only Have 3 Months to Prepare
Yelm has about 5,600 students, making it one of the largest districts in Thurston County. Unfortunately, it’s the only district in the county without an active levy, putting us at a disadvantage compared to nearby districts that have passed levies. These districts can invest in better educational programs, smaller class sizes, and more support staff for students who need it.
The previous levy defeats showed us that we need more community involvement. By engaging in discussions about our educational needs and the benefits of passing the levy, we can create a sense of pride and ownership in our schools. It’s important to inform everyone about how this levy will positively impact our students and our community.
Passing this levy isn’t just about meeting immediate needs; it’s an investment in the future of education in Yelm. By supporting our schools now, we help ensure that future generations have the resources they need to thrive. Improved programs, smaller class sizes, and more activities for our youth will make Yelm a great place for families and strengthen our local economy.
If you believe in the future of our schools and community, please consider donating below to help us make this vision a reality.
Donate to the Levy Campaign!
The upcoming election for our EP&O levy is set for February 2025. It’s crucial that we meet our fundraising target this time; in the last election, we only reached 70% of our goal. This shortfall had serious repercussions for our schools and the valuable programs they provide for our children. We need to rally greater support to ensure we reach every voter and secure the funding necessary for our community’s future. Please donate today.